Weekly Keto Weight Loss Meal Plans

Ketogenic Diet FAQ

What Does a Ketogenic Diet Consist Of? A ketogenic diet consists of eating a low-carb, high-fat diet to lose weight. To start a ketogenic diet you will want to limit your carb intake and increase your fat intake with healthy fats. The fats that most western diets include is unhealthy fat, or trans-fats, also called partially hydrogenated oil. Read food labels to see what kind of fat it includes before buying. You’ll want your ketogenic diet to consist of healthy fats. Healthy fats include fat from coconut oil, avocados, eggs, butter, and grass-fed meat and diary. See our recommended items for a ketogenic diet & our grocery list to help you buy the right foods for a ketogenic diet.     How Many Carbs Per Day to Stay in Ketosis? You’ll want to eat less than 50g of net carbs per day. Your carbs should come from vegetables, nuts and seeds and keto friendly fruit. Less than 50g of net carbs each day is enough for most people to stay in ketosis. Make sure to get your carbs from vegetables (10-15g), nuts and seeds (5-10g), and fruits (5-10g). When reading food labels in the US, subtract the fiber content of…

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Keto Questions: What’s the Best Book on the Ketogenic Diet?

Keto Questions: What’s the Best Book on the Ketogenic Diet?

What’s the Best Book on the Ketogenic Diet? In my opinion, the best book on the ketogenic diet for beginners or seasoned LCHF …
Keto Questions: How Long Does It Take to Go Into Ketosis?

Keto Questions: How Long Does It Take to Go Into Ketosis?

How Long Does It Take to Go Into Ketosis? So, you’ve decided to try the ketogenic diet and are wondering exactly “how long …
Keto Questions: How to Start a Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss?

Keto Questions: How to Start a Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss?

How to Start a Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss? Starting the keto diet is the hardest part of the keto diet. Why? Because you’…
Keto Questions: How Many Carbs Can You Eat and Stay in Ketosis?

Keto Questions: How Many Carbs Can You Eat and Stay in Ketosis?

How Many Carbs Can You Eat and Stay in Ketosis? Every “body” is different, but there are some basics that enter into the ketogenic …

Weekly Keto Weight Loss Meal Plans